Current regsave version: 1.4.9 4mar2021
Current regsave_tbl version: 1.2 09mar2023
Jump to: overview
is a Stata command that fetches estimation results from e()
and stores them in “wide” format (default) or “table” format:
By default, results are stored in wide format. Use this format when you want to further analyze your regression results using Stata.
If you specify the table()
option, results are stored in table format. You can then outsheet those results to a text file, or use texsave to output your table in LaTeX format (see example below). Use the table()
option when you want to create a publication-quality table.
The helper command regsave_tbl
converts the dataset in memory from wide format to table format.
For more details, see the Stata help file included in this package.
* Determine which version of -regsave- you have installed
which regsave
which regsave_tbl
* Install the most recent version of -regsave-
net install regsave, from("") replace
First, make sure you have the most recent version of regsave
installed on your computer:
net install regsave, from("") replace
The example code below opens one of Stata’s built-in datasets and then regresses automobile price on miles per gallon and/or weight. The code estimates these regressions for two different types of automobiles: domestic cars and foreign cars. The code uses regsave
to save the results of each regression to a tempfile and then displays the contents of that file.
* Example #1
tempfile results
sysuse auto, clear
local replace replace
foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" {
foreach type in "Domestic" "Foreign" {
reg price `rhs' if foreign=="`type'":origin, robust
regsave using "`results'", pval autoid `replace' addlabel(rhs,"`rhs'",origin,"`type'")
local replace append
use "`results'", clear
The contents of the dataset, as displayed by list
, look like this:
We could also have saved t-statistics or confidence intervals by specifying the appropriate options. (Type help regsave
at the Stata prompt to see the full set of options.)
The table()
option saves results in a “wide” format that is more appropriate for creating tables. The following code runs the same regressions as above, but saves the output in table format.
* Example #2
tempfile results_tbl
sysuse auto, clear
local num = 1
local replace replace
foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" {
foreach type in "Domestic" "Foreign" {
reg price `rhs' if foreign=="`type'":origin, robust
regsave using "`results_tbl'", pval autoid `replace' addlabel(rhs,"`rhs'",origin,"`type'") table(col_`num', asterisk(5 1) parentheses(stderr))
local replace append
local num = `num'+1
use "`results_tbl'", clear
This resulting output looks like this:
It is often convenient to first save a set of regressions to a file using regsave
and then later convert those results to a table using the regsave_tbl
helper command:
* Example #3
* Load the saved results from Example #1 above
use "`results'", clear
tempfile my_table
* Convert those results to table format
local run_no = 1
local replace replace
foreach orig in "Domestic" "Foreign" {
foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" {
regsave_tbl using "`my_table'" if origin=="`orig'" & rhs=="`rhs'", name(col`run_no') asterisk(5 1) parentheses(stderr) `replace'
local run_no = `run_no'+1
local replace append
* The resulting table is identical to what was produced in Example #2 above
use "`my_table'", clear
See texsave to learn how to save this table in LaTeX format.
bug that formatted some non-numbers as numbersrtable
to installation packageregsave_tbl.ado
Julian Reif
University of Illinois